Allergy season is back for its annual second wind and for many of you, that timing might be a bit inconvenient. September is the start of new routines and last hurrahs as everyone soaks up the last few days of summer before the weather turns to autumn. We know feeling congested and groggy is the last thing anyone wants right now so we created this supplement series to keep you feeling your best.
Blu Hist is our go-to supplement for allergy symptoms any time of year. Quercetin is a flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and when combined with the pineapple derived enzyme, Bromelain, this duo works together as a natural antihistamine. Stinging Nettles and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) are a beautiful combination to thin secretions in the mucosal passages, easing that feeling of head congestion. Blu Hist doesn’t have the drying effect that most antihistamines have, and you can use it alone or in conjunction with an over-the-counter antihistamine. Most people see results by taking 2 capsules, 1-2 times daily.
Vitamin C and Zinc: These two are your immune boosting power couple. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine. It helps alleviate allergy symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes and congestion. Zinc steps in to reduce respiratory and cold symptoms. These two antioxidants are powerful in easing allergy symptoms, and they have many benefits in general!
Oil of Oregano: Oil of oregano is a natural antimicrobial agent and may be used for prevention and treatment of minor bacterial illnesses, such as sinusitis which can set in when allergy symptoms persist. Oil of oregano also helps to maintain healthy bacterial balance in the gastrointestinal system as well. Balancing your gut flora balances your immune system, and in turn supports the immune-mediated response.
Olive Leaf Extract: Laboratory studies confirmed that olive leaf extract can kill several microorganisms including yeasts, bacteria and fungi. Some studies suggest that olive leaf extract has anti-cancer properties as well. Olive leaves contain oleuropein, which is thought to help reduce cholesterol levels and inflammation. Olive leaf extract also reduces blood glucose levels, which is an added benefit for longevity!
Immune Blu: This blend of botanical extracts and immune supporting nutrients is a powerful immune booster and best seller for defense against seasonal allergies, viral and bacterial illness. Immune Blu can be an adjunct supplement to almost any acute illness and is a wonderful preventative supplement as well. Many of us never travel without this!