Reduce Your Toxic Exposure

Reduce Your Toxic Exposure
  by AgeBlu

Our exposure to everyday toxins has never been greater. There are over 80,000 chemicals in our everyday items. Toxins cause oxidation, which can accelerate the aging process. Reducing our toxin burden and taking steps to detox amplifies our cells’ optimal function and can help slow down aging.

Our bodies have their own detoxifying systems but we simply were not designed to keep up with chemical overload that we are exposed to today. Supporting detoxification makes a critical difference in how we look and feel everyday.

Here’s a guide on where toxins may linger in your day to day:

Cleaning Products
Household cleaning products are a major source of daily toxins. Swap chemicals like bleach or Lysol for vinegar based solutions. Hot soapy water or diluted vinegar can take care of most cleaning tasks. When you do need to use chemicals like ammonia and bleach, remember to wear gloves, a mask, and open the windows. Laundry detergents can also contain a significant number of toxic, opt for a non toxic option.

Cookware + Plastics
Aluminum and nonstick pans can leak heavy metals into our food, contributing to low energy levels, poor brain function, and damage to our organs over time. Swap out your cookware for stainless steel, ceramic, glass, or cast iron pots and pans. Plastic can also expose us to toxins like BPAs and other endocrine disruptors. Never microwave plastic, minimize the use of plastics with #3 or #7 on the bottom of the container, and always buy plastics that are BPA free.

Scents and Fragrances
Many air fresheners and scented candles are made with chemicals such as phthalates, paraffin, and terpene. Take a look at your candles and fragrances. When choosing scents to add to the air, opt for products that are clean, organic, and made from natural essential oils.

Home Ventilation
Indoor air quality is typically poor due to building materials, smoke, pollen, gasses such as radon and carbon monoxide, and even furniture made with toxic chemicals. You can improve your air quality with a high-quality air filter and by opening your windows. Even during the winter, let fresh air flow. If you have an attached garage, keep the garage doors open for a couple of minutes after you park your car to clear out fumes from carbon monoxide. Do not idle your car in a closed garage or a garage attached to your house.

Gardening and Produce
Gardening has many pros but it can involve the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Have your soil tested before you fertilize, calculate the correct amount of fertilizer for your garden, and do not apply fertilizers before or after a heavy rainfall. Dampen the soil with water before you work in the garden to prevent inhaling dust. Always take your shoes off at the door so as not to track soil into your home. Lastly, wash your hands and clean all fruits, vegetables, and herbs before you eat them with a produce wash.

Personal Care Products
Every day women apply more than 150 different chemicals to their bodies. Men use an average of 85. An alarming number of chemicals that are allowed in American personal care products are banned in the EU and other countries. If you want to reduce your toxin exposure your personal care products are a good place to start. A good rule of thumb: never put on your skin anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable ingesting.
