There’s nothing like the feeling of a fresh start. We’re starting the year off with intention and our 2023 resolution is a detox. Supporting detoxification is an important first step to ageless living so it makes sense that it’s our first step of the new year. It’s a great ritual, critical to longevity. Here are a few ways we love to detox and here’s to another year of aging well.
Dry Brushing
Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, one of our body’s important filtration systems. Dry brushing stimulates, opens, and unclogs your pores which makes it easier for the body to sweat out toxins that can back up the lymphatic system. This is a simple and relaxing ritual you can do before showering.
Sweat it Out
Sweating is one of the main ways our body excretes toxins like heavy metals and harmful chemicals. The obvious way to sweat is to get some exercise but another way to boost your sweat session is sauna therapy. Sitting in the sauna for a few minutes a day can take your detox routine to the next level. Pro Tip: it’s important to use a towel wipe the sweat so toxins do not get reabsorbed into the body. One of our favorite products is the Therasage Personal Sauna. Use discount code AGEBLU for 10% off your purchase.
Bind The Toxins
A good way to reduce your toxic burden and protect your immunity is by taking a supplement that binds with the toxins so that they can be eliminated efficiently. Binders can help efficiently remove heavy metals, environmental toxins, bacteria, and mycotoxins from your body by latching on and carrying them through your body’s detox pathways. Blu Binder is formulated with mineralized clay, activated charcoal, fulvic and humic acids to help you bind and shed the toxins that we carry on a daily basis.
Our Detox Collection
Our Detox Collection is the collection up first on our Principles of Longevity. This supplement series is designed to support detox pathways through the phases of liver detoxification, metabolize hormones efficiently, promote gut health, and improve cognitive function.